Customize Post Date Display in WordPress Gutenberg

This code provides WordPress developers with the ability to allow users to choose whether to display the published date instead of the updated date in their posts through a checkbox in the Gutenberg editor. It enhances content management by offering more control over how post dates are displayed on the website.

 * Register a meta field for controlling the display of the published date on posts.
 * This function registers a boolean meta field 'display_published_date' for posts which determines
 * if the published date should be displayed instead of the updated date. The meta field is exposed
 * in the REST API and is accessible in the Gutenberg editor.
function register_display_published_date_meta() {
    // Register post meta for controlling the display of the published date
    register_post_meta('post', 'display_published_date', array(
        'show_in_rest' => true, // Make meta available in the REST API
        'single' => true,      // Meta value is a single value
        'type' => 'boolean',   // Meta value type is boolean
        'default' => false,    // Default value is false, so published date is not shown by default
add_action('init', 'register_display_published_date_meta'); // Hook function to WordPress init action

 * Enqueue scripts and add a checkbox to the Gutenberg document settings panel for controlling
 * the display of the published date.
 * This function enqueues necessary WordPress scripts and adds inline JavaScript to render
 * a CheckboxControl in the Gutenberg editor, allowing users to toggle the display of the
 * published date for individual posts.
function display_published_date_checkbox() {
    // Enqueue necessary WordPress scripts for extending the Gutenberg editor

    // Inline script to add a checkbox to the Gutenberg sidebar
    wp_add_inline_script('wp-edit-post', "
        const { registerPlugin } = wp.plugins;
        const { PluginDocumentSettingPanel } = wp.editPost;
        const { CheckboxControl } = wp.components;
        const { useSelect, useDispatch } =;
        const { createElement } = wp.element;
        const DisplayPublishedDateComponent = () => {
            const meta = useSelect((select) => select('core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta'), []);
            const { editPost } = useDispatch('core/editor');
            const isChecked = meta.display_published_date;

            return createElement(
                    label: 'Show Publish date instead of Updated',
                    checked: isChecked,
                    onChange: function(newValue) {
                        editPost({ meta: { display_published_date: newValue } });

        registerPlugin('display-published-date', {
            render: () => {
                return createElement(
                        name: 'display-published-date-panel',
                        title: 'Header Date Select',
                        className: 'display-published-date',
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'display_published_date_checkbox'); // Hook function to enqueue block editor assets